Thursday, October 16, 2008

IELTS writing 1

Education equips people with the skills they need to survive in life. Many people dream of going to university to enhance their social and business prospects. Some people desire to continue their formal education beyond the undergraduate career. Those with the means and the desire can pursue a master's degree or a doctorate. I disagree with the statement that it is a waste of money to pursue anything more than a bachelor's degree.

In the working world, a person is often paid a salary based on his or her qualifications and background. A person with a higher education generally gets paid more. This is often the reason why a candidate is deemed "overqualified;" there might be a problem regarding the applicant's salary. In some countries, like South Korea, where appropriate jobs for those with master's degrees and doctorates are scarce, people will sometimes purposely omit their higher educational degrees. That specific kind of situation, though, does not make pursuing an advanced degree a waste of money.

A master's degree or doctorate can open up different kinds of opportunities for those able to acquire them. The whole process involves a level of specialization not possible for undergraduates. This specialized knowledge gives a person an advantage over other applicants in the job market. Even if they eventually end up working in a field unrelated to their degree, the academic discipline that is learned and the personal contacts make during the whole process helps them to be successful. In a world where borders are more open, countries often seek to attract those with advanced degrees. Even if it's hard to find a job in one's own country, they can have good employment opportunities elsewhere.

It takes a lot of hard work to get a master's degree or a doctorate. Many countries and institutions recognize this effort. Rather than being a waste of money, an advanced degree gives people more options in their life.

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