Monday, September 29, 2008

Funny vocabulary-1

1. Get a life- be responsible- Үүргээ ухамсарла.

2. Get over it- stop thinking of things that you can`t change- Одоо больж үз. Март зүгээр

3. Get out of my face- a rude way of telling someone that they are annoying you. Эндээс арилж үз.

4. Get to the point- Гол асуудалдаа оръё!

5. Overachiever- a man who is low IQ but at high position УИХ-ын зарим гишүүд

6. Underachiever- a man who is high IQ but at low position Татвараа төлдөг инженерүүд
7. Himbo- a man who is good looking but unintelligent- Царайлаг, ухаалаг биш залуу

8. Bimbo- a yound woman who is attractive but unintelligent Хөөрхөн, ухаалаг биш охин
Pragmatic- let`s do the smart thing. (Nike:"Just do it") Хувиа хичээгч

10. Idealistic- let`s do the right thing.(Adidas:"impossible is nothing") Хамт олноо бодогч
11. Outgoing- friendly, finding it easy and enjoyable to be with other- Нөхөрсөг нийцэрхүү

12. Easygoing- relaxed- Санаа амар

13. Considerate- before you do sth think about other`s feeling - Бусдыгаа бодогч

14. Gullible- easily deceived or tricked- Гэнэн хонгор

15. Obedient- doing what you have been told to do by someone- Дуулгавартай

16. Shack up with- to start living in the same house as sexual partners without being married- Нэг гэрт толгой хоргодох

17. Pros and Cons- Advantages and disadvantages- Сайн ба муу талууд

18. Got a lot on someone`s plate- having hard time- Асуудалтай байх

19. So so- getting by, doing OK- За яахав болж л байна

20. Keep dreaming, Dream on- I don`t agree with you- Мөрөөдөөд бай. Огт санал нийлэхгүй байна.

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